sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017



Love at first sight is not usually common in the society we live in today, however, many years ago we could say that it was more habitual, everything and that what happened before were forced marriages or similar.

In our opinion, love at first sight is something that, although you are very attracted to a person, you have a different and strange feeling.

This kind of love is not taken seriously, since it is usually thought to be false, can someone really fall in love so quick? Many relationships break because of jealousy. A person gets jealous when he/she is afraid of losing that person he/she wants, but that fear is from insecurity and not trusting someone. In my opinion, a relationship is based on the trust and confidence between the two people. You cannot have this trust and confidence when you meet someone for the first time!

Something else to consider is fidelity in the relationship, because when this fidelity disappears, jealous appears and then trust and confidence is destroyed... When one of the pair, deceives the other part of the couple, everything goes wrong. Finally, you think about forgiving that person you want and think they will behave as you want, but will there ever be trust again.

For all these reasons, we think that a relationship is based on sincerity, trust and fidelity, because if one of these three fails, it is very likely that there will be arguments, tears, or even a break the relationship.

Finally, with the question of "Can love last forever?” Who knows, it all depends on the ability we have to endure the small details of the other person and if we really trust them.

There are many reports on love at first sight. It is something that happens quickly and instantly, without expecting it. It is a loving, tender and wild feeling. So love at first sight is not easy to explain. Some people even deny it and say it is simply sexual attraction.

Arguments against love at first sight
There are two main reasons to go against love at first sight; the first is because as the person does not know the characteristics of the other person to fall in love, his answer is imaginary and not a real emotion. The second reason is because not having time to perform the typical activities of love, that fact is not possible.

For these reasons, the most attractive people would be the most likely to be the object of love at first sight, gives a value granted to appearances.

Also, referring to the two reasons, love at first sight is not only feeling, but also performing activities, which cannot be exercised at first sight.

Research indicates that romantic love is often based on idealization and positive illusions, and this is also true of the love that lasts for many years. So love at first sight involves beliefs and preparation for actions.

Romantic Intensity and Romantic Depth
The distinction between depth and romantic intensity is crucial to understanding love.

Romantic intensity expresses an instant image of a romantic experience at any given time.

In romantic depth the temporal dimension of love is added, it implies shared activities, which satisfy the essential needs that are constitutive of long-term blossoming of the couple.

The main added value in the inclusion of the time dimension concerns the question of activities.

Love at first sight is essentially intense love. It makes the other person's attraction make you want the rest of the time next to her. It can be the basis for deep love, in the long run, as long as the characteristics typically revealed in verbal communication will later improve. So love at first sight can be the basis of deep love, but it is not.

Love in the first contact.
In a first contact there is a great impact, which can be positive or negative. The characteristics of each are shown, so it depends on those characteristics, the relationship will continue or may decrease as time passes.

Is love at first sight a good indicator for the future?
Love at first sight is a matter of the heart, and as Steve Jobs said, "you will know when to find it."

Research has shown that love at first sight has a significant influence over the long term, therefore, have a positive impact on the relationship. In this sense, if love at first sight becomes a long-term relationship, this relationship has a higher probability of achieving better quality.

Concluding remarks
Love at first sight is nothing more than sexual attraction. It is an intense form of romantic love that has a good chance of becoming intense deep love, as long as they have similar characteristics.

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