viernes, 30 de enero de 2015


Ja fa uns quants anys, jo tornava d'excursió, estava a sisè de primaria, i al arribar a casa... Em vaig trobar amb una sorpresa molt agradable! En uns mesos... Tindria un nebot! Al principi no m'ho creia, però em van ensenyar la prova que m'ho va confirmar. 

A few years ago... I came back to the outing, I was in sixt primar school, and when I arrived at home... I found my self a very nice surprice. In a few months... It had a nephew! At the beginning I did not believe, but showed me test that confirmed me. It was one of the best moment in my life...

viernes, 16 de enero de 2015


Dear David!! 

Are you okay? I'm a very happy because you arrive tomorrow. The next Saturday wen you arribed. The first plan we will go to the shopping on the center or Barcelona. After at the 14:00 a.m. we travel at the train because we going to dinner. Finaly we visit Barcelona and the look diferents museums.

By David!! Kisses.

viernes, 9 de enero de 2015


1. I will study more.

2. I will improve the character.

3. I will do sport. 

1. I will study a little more every day.

2. I will hold my Necklace when I say something that I don't like and then respond.

3. I will run with my cousin or my brother.

1. From Monday to Friday, 3:30 - 5.

2. 2 times a day.

3. From Monday to Friday, in the evenings, at 5:10.