viernes, 17 de abril de 2015



People exercising in central Philadelphia. Drone operators may consider such ‘signature behaviors’ as evidence of the existence of a training camp. Since 2002, the US has used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, or drones) to collect intelligence and carry out airstrikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. The aircraft are guided via satellite by distant operators. The attacks have resulted in a large number of fatalities, including hundreds of civilians. The photographer bought a small drone, fitted it with a camera, and flew it in the US over the sorts of gatherings that have become habitual targets for airstrikes abroad—weddings, funerals, groups of people praying or exercising. He also used it to photograph settings in which drones are used to less lethal effect, such as oil fields, prisons, and the US-Mexico border.

Gente ejerciendo en Filadelfia central. Los operadores drone pueden considerar tales conductas' firma' como evidencia de la existencia de un campo de entrenamiento. Desde 2002, los Estados Unidos ha utilizado vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs, o drones) para recolectar inteligencia y realizar ataques aéreos en Pakistán, Yemen y Somalia. Los aviones son guiados vía satélite por operadores distantes. Los ataques han provocado un gran número de muertes, incluyendo a cientos de civiles. El fotógrafo compró un pequeño robot, dotado de una cámara y voló en los Estados Unidos sobre los tipos de reuniones que se han convertido en habituales objetivos para ataques aéreos en el extranjero, bodas, funerales, grupos de personas orando o haciendo ejercicio. También lo usó para ajustes de fotografía en la cual los drones se utilizan para efecto menos letal, como yacimientos de petróleo, las prisiones y la frontera México-Estados Unidos.



viernes, 10 de abril de 2015


This photo is from the first day that we were in Italy. We stopped for a while free, me and a friend went to see that event and when we reason to gather in one place I found these 3 teenagers playing songs because the people there are dongués money. I choose to make them the photo because it seemed original. Not everywhere in the world looks to people asking for money singing. Also I chose this photo in memory of Italy because a lot of people to the streets asking for money or sell things.