viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016


Xenia and I have a one oral presentation about The Eating Disorders.Well, I talk about of mi.
First of all, obviously I'm very nervous

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016


Castelló d'Empúries

Hi Lourdes!!

Last day, in English class, we listened to a speech by president of the United States of America, Barack Obama that talked about the school motivation and the objectives in general.

For that reason, I thought that I might explain what my objectives are an objective or a goal is something you propose to get in one way or another, with a satisfactory end for oneself.

A lot of girls and boys (including me), are surrounded by a society which has a prototype of beauty that few have. So, many people, nowadays, are marked by that goal.

If I tell the truth, me too. But anyway, my mother says that is nonsense that our brain creates images from images that we see in ourselves.  But still, it is inevitable to look at yourself and think that you can lose a few kilos.
But well, with a little time I will improve my physical appearance it I do more sport and I have a healthy diet.

On the other hand, my objectives in this life are a lot, for example: succeed in life; in the workplace sphere and in the social sphere, travel a lot and know many countries and cultures, getting my car license at 18 (that will happen, - if everything goes fine-), and many more.

And something that many people asked is: “How do I manage to overcome my goals?”, the answer is clear,  if you really want to get X, put on a real objective, with real time and dedication. Because it is not worth wanting something and not trying to get, or want it at the time appears.

It’s more, in the speech of Barack Obama, he mentions a very interesting phrase that says:  “You make your own future” and “There is no excuse for not trying”. I liked it a lot, because it expresses reality, nobody will do anything for us, we ourselves must do it for us.

In conclusion, who does not risk does not win, and it makes no effort, either.

That’s all for now,
I look forward to hearing for you,

Best wishes,


lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016



Personalment, mai se m'ha donat gaire bé la llengua anglesa. Però realment, crec que durant aquest any i l'any passat, he millorat molt. Perquè puc expressar-me força bé sense tenir un guió a la mà.
Crec que en el que he millorat més és en les redaccions i en la forma de parlar.

L'activitat que mostra millor el meu nivell d'anglès és el blog. Ja que si en algun moment no sé alguna paraula, la puc buscar en el word reference o altres traductors.

També crec que les millors activitats per aprendre anglès han estat les activitats que feiém, activitats entre tots i la realització del dossier de vocabulari. Perquè aprenies moltes paraules noves.

En la meva opinió, la llengua anglesa és una de les llengües més "divertides" d'aprendre. Perquè normalment tots els professors te l'ensenyen a través de jocs o activitats. No es basa en fer deures, per això és entretinguda. 

Així que, crec que totes les activitats són útils, però jo crec que seria millor fer més activitats divertides amb tota la classe.

L'any que ve m'agradaria tenir noves maneres d'aprendre l'anglès. Però si haig de triar alguna d'aquest any seria: el dossier de vocabulari i el blog.

Personally, I have never been very good English. But in really, I think this year and last year, I have improved a lot. Because I can express myself quite well without a script in hand.



-Not all students smart and take the best qualifications, do not the worst students take the lower qualifications, do more, but there are times where a student carving out a 5 reaches 10, when a student of 10 rolls a 5.

-She also says that conclude that to teach what he had to do was apply a method which would have the basis of a better understanding of students and learning from a motivational perspective -psicological perspective-.

-Academic success and life depends more that not only get the best rating of a clever, quick and easy.

-The determination is what will lead to success, and no patience, no social intelligence or good looks or physical form or academic outcomes.

-The best way to develop the determination is "something" called: growth mindset.


I agree with what she says, because not only have to qualify us for our notes, but also by how we got to get that note.




When Rachel wakes up and drinks a glass of water, she can feel it blistering her skin, leaving a trail of red, itchy welts behind.

Rachel Warwick said: “It’s a world where relaxing baths are the stuff of nightmares and snorkeling in tropical seas is as appealing as rubbing yourself with bleach.”

This is the strange case of a girl, that even with her own sweat suffers from pain, her skin is allergic to water; if she touches water she gets cankerous eruptions, swells up, and has intense itching for many hours. She cannot mourn because her face will hurt with the tears.

It is an "illness / bodily reaction" call: aquagenic urticaria.

Many people wonder how Rachel can survive that disease, if we are practically made of water, and she said: enduring the pain.

This girl was around 12 years old when she was diagnosed, after noticing a rash after swimming. The only "solution" to the allergic skin reaction are anti-histamines, but they are not very effective.

After many years, Maurer tried a test with a treatment for asthma. This test is effective and the treatment seems to work. However, this treatment will only ever be in test phase because there are so few people suffering from this disease that money will not be spent on finding a cure.

In my opinion, even though the number of people who have this problem is very small, all we have solutions to a problem, even though we are the only ones on the planet. For as happens to this girl, is a very bad disease.



The news that I just read, is about selective schools. In summary, this news is explaining a new plan of Education.

In this text appear different opinions about the subject of the article. To sum it up to a few words, what Nick Gibb explains is: selective schools are to be opened, in order to separate students with a higher capacity than the rest. So, all students will advance in an appropriate manner. In theory, the selective school students have a higher level, and normal school students will get support for things they do not understand.

On the other hand, Kevin Courtney -general secretary of the National Union of Teachers- said: that ministries are wrong with the educational plan, because every student should be taught equally, equal opportunities given to all.

Finally, Malcom Troble - ASCL acting general secretary- said: the best thing we can do is: put the model into practice, because it is not certain that the educational method will function.

And finally, I think it is a new teaching plan wrong, because it is not fair to have increased learning capacity, other students devalue by the simple fact of not being "so smart".



I'll start by saying that this issue is very simple, because all the boys and girls of this world have changed their way of thinking and tastes in general. And these changes are reflected in a very direct way to the rooms of each person.

A clear example is that of the girls, when we grow up and we get older, we think we can no longer have a room of princess because we're big girls.

In my case, I had two rooms, and I have renovated one. When I was very young, my brothers lived at home (because we brought 13 and 15 years apart). But when one of them went, change my room for yours. And that room is mine for 7 years ago.

When one of my brothers came home, he had to stay with my small room, and obviously, the reformed.

Then I wanted to do the same, because it was no longer useful to me, I needed more space and other colors. That's when I change my room.

Before, the room had a dark blue and orange colors, now is clear blue and white. Among other things, the style has changed a lot, but as I said before, is all for the maturity.


As every year, issues about “summer”, “birthday”, “new year”, they are always a hit, as even though it is the same subject every year, it is a different text because it varies the year.

This summer of the 2016 it has been a little quirky; it has not been the best summer truth, others years was an adventure every day, but this year a lot of friends work and has not been so funny. On the other hand, I also have had to do philosophy homework.

Also, it has been a very hot summer and was unbearable to go for a walk, you were dying of heat!

But still it was good summer, those small parties that ended at 4-7 am., the days of tourism, or a “little weekend in others localizations”. The summer always is enjoyable for everyone, and the most important… This summer I gave my first driving lesson! (With my mother obviously, since even it had much time to sign up for the driving school).


The last year (if I remember correctly), I talked about my nephew Raul; son of my older brother Santi and my sister in law Celia. Now, my nephew Raul is four years old, and at his home (two months ago approximately) arrived a little sister; who I want to speak about today.

My new niece is called Paula and she was born on July 31 of 2016 at five or six a.m. more or less. She could have been called “Leire” if her mother had not tired of hearing the name.

In the end, she was called Paula because we looked at names on the Internet (my nephew Raul and I) and he kept repeating that name.

And finally, many friends and family say Paula (my niece) has the same traits as me; that is to say, she seems like me. Although, I do not see the resemblance. You can see that she is part of our family but not who she really looks like.


lunes, 6 de junio de 2016


The bulgings and the lack of nature provoke more pollution in the world. Because all the people are consumist. So I think what we wont is to become more wealthy. Therefore, to create more, get rid of the world.

To start with, by creating more buldings and urban areas with services for the society, what we do is to create more radiactives and less areas with clean and pure air.

Secondly, people do not consider the benefits of the pure air and the good nature.

In conlusion, the contamination of the planet is very dangerous for all people. We should take better care of our planet.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016


NOTE: The video not is complete, because the memory of phone die.

This is the third and final oral presentation of the course.

This time, we talk about of bullying. We try this topic because think who is a one issue very important. Because, although we are not aware, happens every day in our society.

First of all, I have to separate this comment into six parts: Presentation, body language and eye contact, structure, content, language and by last the pronunciation and intonation.

As we have all seen, the video is not recorded in good light, so the body language and eye contact I explain above, why only seen one part.

Then, I talk about the presentation (10% of mark); in my opinion I think it was a good job because we use different materials as prezzi, video, images, etc. And also see something important is that each of the three of us, speak for 5 minutes without out of questions.

After, we take the body language and eye contact (10% of mark). In this case, I don’t comment a lot, but I remember my mistake, looking at the paper when I not read, for fear of getting lost or not remember what touched me say. We can see that despite all, I tried not to take my eyes of fellow class.

We also have the structure (10% of mark), really yes it was very well done because everything was well ordered by importance.

Then, we are the content (40% of mark) and language (20% of mark). These two paragraphs were the worst, because failure grammar a bit.

And finally, then the pronunciation and intonation (10% of mark); this part are very good, because they are understand our explanation, buy some words were mispronounced.

In conclusion, I think this presentation has been the best in the all of course, because we prepared a lot this oral presentation and using short sentences to express better.

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016


Four experts talk about virtual technology.

Everyone at one time or another we wanted to do the impossible with our hands, for that began to create the technology.
Mark Bolas created a building where you could feel the sensation of vertigo and to see fireworks, something magical.
“I wanted to build a tool so people could use it. The best way to do that was to stay away from the consumer market because it really wasn't ready, and to go after industrial uses.”
Then they sought a low-cost materials where they could opt for further improvements so that all users could use.
To find those cheap materials, they investigated a lot, played and watched until they found lenses at low cost.
So they could make people enjoy themselves also.
In short, this man explains that technological advancement was great, but it is worrying to where we came up with the technological revolution.

The biggest way is training and simulations.
She explains that because of technology, human labor is being replaced by machines that do all the work. She gives us the example of a robot plan surgery the heart of a baby.
In education, Google has been the greatest progress since achieved through technology that a person can travel to the moon through the virtual reality .
“The way the internet has changed the way we communicate information, virtual reality will change the way we communicate experiences.”
For example if you want to cook, go through the woods or beach, with fields of virtual reality will make it if you were present there.
This will make the world even smaller than it is now. It will unite us.

Skip Rizzo talks about the vision that the from home. He noted that many people were like video games.
For this reason, I wanted to create a virtual reality, where people could "live".
To make the game actually put into practice different traumas of people, to see if they could overcome them.
Thus, they realized, that through this "false reality" patients could be overcoming the traumas they had.
“We know that the brain is quite good at suspending disbelief, so even though people know these aren't real people, they relate to them as if they are.”
By creating this system improvement, he realized that people use video games in their daily lives.

We were not interested in technology for technology's sake .
The technology used in video games to see how we wish we were, or how we would feel if we were in that way both physically and psychologically.
People feel good if you see around you have acquaintances or people with similar traits.
“Our brains are wired with all these heuristics for who we like, how easily we're persuaded.”
Virtual reality is the only one able to manipulate our minds and our feelings through images. 
In short, technology is difficult to control because it is one of the easiest ways to manipulate the brains of people.

Personally I think it's a very interesting news, because you realize everything that happens around you. Really getting faster we go to a lie, where we see bodies, minds and nonexistent "fault " of technology skills.
I found very interesting research experts and also very curious.

Mimicked - Imitat
Mannerisms - Gestos
Disbelief - Incredulitat
Provocativeness - Provocació


This news is about a mural depicting shared by Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin kiss. The reason for the image painted on the walls of Lithuania, is why Putin and Trump have expressed great friendship between them in recent months.

<<Seizing on Putin's praise of Trump as “bright and talented” and Trump's reciprocating estimation of Putin as “a leader, unlike what we have in this country”>>

First we see a wakeup call to the mutual relationship of the two political figures. But if we look closely, the mural reveals a political comment that expresses the surface sensitivity.

The work is based on a Lithuanian artist who painted a picture when Erich Honecher kiss the first Soviet Leonid Brezhnev.

But the biggest difference is that Trump and Putin have their eyes open sign of rivalry. Instead Honecher and Brezhnev have their eyes closed as a sign of confidence.

In my opinion, I think this article is a bit sexist. It shows that a person can not be free to feel and express what you want. Since, at one time or another, anyone can judge him.
In this part of the news, it looks like two politicians like Putin and Trump maintain a friendship. By simply keeping a friendship with the pressure of outside criticism.
In short, it is a text that shows some thoughts of society.

Clinch - Rebelar
Upshot - Resultat
Featuring - Que ofereix
Reciprocating - Vaivé
Fuelled - Alimentat
Tenderness - Tendresa


Worldwide there are six species of dangerous animals, whose chopped or bite can come to kill you.

Every year, some 725,000 mosquito diseases people die. Mosquitoes also carry dengue fever, yellow fever and encephalitis.
Mosquitoes are found in large numbers worldwide, at different times of the year. When the time of the appearance of mosquitoes, can reach outnumber all other species of animals; except ants and termites. 

Every year, about 50,000 people die in the world because of snakes. The most poisonous in the world is
The Inland Taipan. Their venom is highly toxic and can kill a person in less than 45 minutes.
Many people die from snake bites, but it is not the main cause because they do not usually bite humans.
The saw-scaled kills about 5,000 people each year , more than any other snake.
The Inland Taipan is native to central Australia, while the saw-scaled viper can be found in Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka.

It is true that dogs are good company for people. But many rabid dogs transmitted infections because of the rage that is 99% of virus.
Every year died approximately 20,000 to 55,000 people by the rage of stray dogs. A normal dog bite is dangerous but without the possibility of death.

The tsetsé fly It has the same size as normal fly. Used mechanisms to attack large vertebrate animals and humans. It is a Bloodsucking.
Contains sleeping sickness, which causes fever, headache, joint pain, vomiting, inflammation of the brain and sleep problems.
Every year, died 10.000 people because tsetse fly.

The cocodriles are opportunistic murderers.
In África, every year, dies less than half of the population because of the crocodiles. Usually in small places.
Every year, the cocodriles killed 1.000 people more than sharks.

The hippopotamus is the largest and most lethal land mammal in the world.
Every year, in Africa, die 500 people because the hippopotamus.
One hippopotamus can weigh 2.750kg.

In this article we have seen what are the most dangerous animals in the world are. Despite this information, I still think there are other even more dangerous animals such as sharks.
This publication has helped me to see that despite all, there are many dangerous animals. I never thought that a mosquito could be as dangerous as me have bitten me many times.
The animal that has not surprised me is the serpent. Also I have a lot of panic snakes, the reptile is more fear and disgust has.

Encephalitis - Encefalitis
Among - Entre
Average - Promig
Reliable - De Confiança


The book which speaks in this post, is titled: Compasses in search of lost smiles. The author is Albert Espinosa. This book will make about 2 or 3 years published. With many sales was one of the great successes of the author.

The argument of this book is based on the protagonist's life; bad relationship with his father, the death of his mother and the mother of his daughters, his twin brothers and their daughters.

It is a very powerful and original story, where you let go all your imagination, in scenes where you could never even imagine what will happen.

In short, the novel teaches you what is really important in life, it teaches you to learn family values and leave aside material things.

In my opinion, it is one of the best books I've read and really I recommend everyone to read it.


1. Buy better (and less toxic), and recycling at the end.
2. Unite to demand rules that work.
3. Share ideas about things to work better.
4. Responsibility; work together to solve the problem.
5. Educate new researchers, communicators, builders, resistant and organizers for a new global improvement.
6. Less toxic voting policies, to have a new economy with safe products and healthy planet.


Citizens - Ciutadà
Trashing - Escombreries
Shortcomings - Limitacions
Fault - Culpa/Defecte
Shelves - Estanteria
Wreckers - Demolidors
Sewed - Cosir
Nag - Queixa
Edges - Vores
Corporate profits - Beneficis Corporatius
Commitment - Compromís
Plugging - Endollant


In this post, I will talk about my research work, why I chose that topic, the choice of teacher work, and what I did to reach the final structure of the work.

First of all, because of bad luck... I still have not had the "opportunity" to start work. For the simple fact that I have to retake other subjects and move to 2nd high school. But I plan to pass the course and get the job done.

Then I start explaining my main idea of the research work. As I was not sure about what to do, I searched for topics of degrees I want to study, but they didn't call my attention the issues of economy, because they were not interesting. I kept looking and I found different research works that could form one that caught my attention.

Later, when it became clear, I asked the teacher that I wanted to have as a tutor to take my research work. We met, improve it, pin it down and present it as proposal, he accepted.

Mainly, the work was very extensive. Finally, I chose three research work. Of those 3, I opted for the gender violence as research work. Because I think what it is a very sensitive issue.

So, as a main idea he continues to be the tutor of my research work.


4 years ago my nephew Raul was born. And in August (approximately) my second niece will be born. She perhaps be called Paula; I say "maybe" because the name chosen his own brother, and usually says Paula.

The surprise of my first nephew was amazing, because I was still in school when I heard the news. 
When I returned from trip, my father told me the news in the car, but at first I was going to say my older brother (the father of my nephew). He was also a surprise as well.

And I didn't change my thought, my sister-in-law  wanted me to know the news in an original way. All my family already knew but me, as I pass the weekend away from home. At returning, they said that they wanted to play a joke on my middle brother, but in the end was very surprised to learn that the "joke" was for me. The situation was funny. 

Now we just wait for the birth of the little "Paula".


My older brother is called Santi Galán Palacios, he is 32 years old, he is 15 years older than me.

My middle brother (Ivan Galan Palacios, 30 years old) lived in Vilafant ( a village near Figueras ) and did not come home never, so I have grown up with my older brother, because he lives in the same town as me.

I could always count on him, he is a heavy brother, but unique.

We really, go together to all places we can. We laugh about the same things. And we have similar hobbies. We love being with our own friends, but never leave the family.

Trully, I think I'm like him, because I grew up next to him. And he's a great father because his child care as I took care of me. And I'm very proud of the two brothers I have.

Sometimes they are annoying, but I haved not change them any; because they have made me who I am now.


Since childhood I started to take planes or trains and go traveling with my parents.

Without going any far I was almost 3 years old in my first flight. That year I first went to Andalucía.

I do not know if traveling from small has made me like to travel now, but my biggest dream is to travel around the world and meet all possible cultures, food and new places.

I love to take a car / train / plane and drive or fly and have adventures with my best friends. Live as much as we can, become a family and never stop experiencing new places, and meet many unforgettable people.

Yes, that is a difficult dream to achieve. But who said that is not possible?

Someday all people have to make their dreams a reality. So I want to take our bags and explore all the places no deadline.


Everyone should think that their family is the best of all, for one reason or another, your own family has to come first to you. Because always, whatever happens they will be at your side to support you and take care of your if necessary.

Actually, I have not met all my family. My parents had me when my brothers and they were already older.

My family not only lives in Catalunya they also live in Madrid (from father's side) and Andalucia (from mother's side).

I recently went to see my uncles and cousins from Madrid. But many years I haven't seen my family from Andalucia (approximately for 10 years). But this summer I'll spend a week in this spectacular place.


As you say... healthy mind, healthy body; therefore, healthy body, healthy mind.

In my opinion this phrase is one of the best sports-related. Why? Because really it expresses how good you feel when you perform a physical activity. Whether running, walking, dancing, basketball, tennis, football, go to a gym or many other sports.

Physical exercise can be useful for different things; improving physical strength, physical self, health, routine and many others.

But sport is also the basis for a healthy life, because if you take care of your food, you take care of your body. To take care of yourself, your skin and lungs, your body improves and you can get targets or goals to motivate you to achieve challenges that you had never before imagined.

In short, I love the sport, I love outdoor activities with my friends, either swimming, cycling to explore new places or new adventure. Because I not only improved my physical form, but also do well to improve the nerves you may have.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016


This story is about horse racing competitors, especially the protagonist Philip. It is a great mystery story. It tells the story of a scam. 

This scam is discovered Philip, because when a family accident happened, he wanted to know what happened. Together with his best friend Steve, he discovers photographs hiding in the house of the mother of Steve.

At the end of the story, the protagonist discovers that he must win all the races for the simple fact that the scam also involved him him; why thieves tried to hide the death of a relative in a horse race. 

And so to benefit by selling all images collected during the triumph of a woman named X.

Tear - Por
Ashamed - Avergonyit
Trap - Trampa
Wonder - Preguntar-se
Horseracing - Carrera de caballs
Thief - Lladre
Blame - Culpa
Stare - Mirar fixament
Fence - Tanca
Drug - Droga
Headache - Mal de cap

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016


C/ Figueres Nº14
Castelló d'Empúries
1st of April 2016

128 East Avenue

Dear Sir o Madam;
I am writing to enquire abourt the summer job. I would like to know it the next year I can work in the secretary office for three months. I ask for the timetable job, the building situation, the money and other things og the secretary official job.
First of all, I add my curriculum in this e-mail.
And secondly, I have a private car (transport) and other information very interesting.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully;
Lorena Galán.

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

gap year

I chose to make my Gap Year only holiday destination in Thailand . My Gap Year visit will focus on sports. It is the Adventure 9 .

The activites:

The Ocean. The last frontier of adventuring on the planet. Unhindered by health and safety. Limitless opportunity for getting overwhelmingly lost, or drowned. 

The Race: The race takes place in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean, amongst the islands of the Zanzibar archipelago, off the coast of Tanzania. This is a 500 km staged race; driven by the Kusi and Kaskazi trade winds. On each stage of the race you'll be navigating your own way through a string of tiny islands and a few checkpoints, staying each night on which ever island you reach, trying to find your way to the finish line and perhaps a victory.

The Boats: The ideal vessel for racing the Indian Ocean is the local Ngalawa fishing boat. They also take on water like a camel at an oasis.

Training: Even if you've been sailing for years you've probably not experienced anything like this so we give two days of training before the race. At the end of training there is a test to make sure you've got the sailing and navigation skills needed to compete. Anyone who doesn;t pass the test will take a local skipper during the race.

Saving the World: We quite like this green and blue rock they call Earth and we want to look after it. We ask all teams on the Rally to raise £1000 for charity. The first half goes to our official charity Cool Earth, the rest can go to any registered charity of your choosing.

PRICE £3,000.

Getting to tell your grandchildren you sailed the greatest ocean adventure on the seas.

Use of the mighty Ngalawa for the duration of the race & training.

2 days of pre-race training.

One day test sail with your own skipper.

Support vessel in case of emergencies.

Use of GPS & Tracker.

Local charts for navigation.

Launch and finish parties.