LORENA: Teenager (17-18).
Xènia: Hello Lorena and Ona, how are you?
Lorena: Hello girls, i’m fine, and you?
Ona: Hello!!!!
Xènia: Eii Onaa!! Happy Birthday!!!
Lorena: How older are you?????
Ona: Yees!! I will be16 years old. The best age!!!
Lorena: No!! The best age is seventeen because you still don’t have the responsibility to become independent yet, you have time to go out to have a good time.
Xènia: My best age is teenager because I am still young.
Ona: What do you say ? Are you joking?
Xènia: Listen Listen, this is my favorite age because I can go to parties!
Lorena: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the best age is seventeen because you practice with the car jajaja.
Ona: No, Xènia. I go to parties at any age.
Xènia: Okay, okay, I also went to partyies when I was 15 years old, and also 14 maybe. But… even so the best age is 16-17.
Ona: Okey Lorena,you are right, sorry :(
Lorena: Don’t worry Ona, everyone has their own opinion
Xènia: when we are 17 it is true that we practice with the car, but we can use the car at 18.
Ona: It’s true Xènia! You are a genious!!
Lorena: Girls! we have to find a solution! Which is the best age? 16 or 17?
Xènia: In my opinion, the best age is 16.
Ona: Like me
Lorena: I prefer to be seventeen because... I don’t know… because you are closer to eigthteen!!
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