This story is about horse racing competitors, especially the protagonist Philip. It is a great mystery story. It tells the story of a scam.
This scam is discovered Philip, because when a family accident happened, he wanted to know what happened. Together with his best friend Steve, he discovers photographs hiding in the house of the mother of Steve.
At the end of the story, the protagonist discovers that he must win all the races for the simple fact that the scam also involved him him; why thieves tried to hide the death of a relative in a horse race.
And so to benefit by selling all images collected during the triumph of a woman named X.
Tear - Por
Ashamed - Avergonyit
Trap - Trampa
Wonder - Preguntar-se
Horseracing - Carrera de caballs
Thief - Lladre
Blame - Culpa
Stare - Mirar fixament
Fence - Tanca
Drug - Droga
Headache - Mal de cap
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